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Withdrawal Policy/Military Leave of Absence

If called to active duty, a student should notify the Registrar’s Office in advance by completing the University Exit Form. When notice of deployment cannot be provided in advance, the student should notify the Student Veteran Services (SVS) Office via their New School email. 

If possible, the student is requested to provide verification of the call to active duty by providing a copy of the service orders to the SVS office. Students will be placed on a Military Leave of Absence (MLOA) status which will entitle the student to automatic re-enrollment into the program from which the student left. 

A student receiving financial aid will be subject to the refund policies of the agencies sponsoring the aid. Any federal grant or loan awards that the student may have received will be governed by the applicable policies established by the Department of Education. The student will not be held liable for any remaining balance with The New School for the term in which the student was deployed. 

Re-enrollment at The University 

Service members on MLOA from The New School will contact the Student Veteran Services Office about returning to the program from which they took leave. If that program is no longer offered, the student will be offered the program that is most similar. If a student wishes to return to the university and pursue a different program of study, they should file a new application through the Office of Admission and scholarships will be reassessed. Previously awarded institutional scholarships resume when a service person returns to the same program at the university within 3 years of active duty. Reentry to the university beyond 3 years (or next available term) and not exceeding 10 years from the date of active duty will follow the university’s readmission policy. 

Upon re-enrollment, a student returning from MLOA will retain class status and credits completed and earned. For students in degree programs that may have had technological advances in their field of study, the faculty may require an evaluation of those skills or repeating a course. Should a student be required to repeat a course, the university assumes financial responsibility to cover said coursework. 

The institution must make reasonable efforts at no extra cost to the servicemember to help them become prepared, or to enable them to complete the program including, but not limited to, providing refresher courses and/or allowing the servicemember to retake a pretest. Reasonable efforts are actions that do not place an undue hardship on the institution. An undue hardship exists if an action requires significant difficulty or expense when considered in light of the overall financial resources of the institution and the impact otherwise of such action on the operation of the institution. 

Published 2024 by The New School

Important Notice: The information published herein represents the plans of The New School at the time of publication. The university reserves the right to change without notice any matter contained in this publication, including but not limited to tuition, fees, policies, degree programs, names of programs, course offerings, academic activities, academic requirements, facilities, faculty, and administrators. Payment of tuition for or attendance in any classes shall constitute a student’s acceptance of the administration’s rights as set forth in this notice. 

The New School
66 West 12th Street
New York, NY 10011

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