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Student Disability Services

Student Disability Services

The New School is committed to ensuring that students with disabilities/disabled students receive equal access to academic and programmatic services. Student Disability Services(SDS) assists students who may need academic or residential accommodations, as required by federal, state, and local laws, including the Americans with Disabilities Act as Amended (2008) (ADAAA,) and Section 504 of the Federal Rehabilitation Act (1973). If you are a student who has had accommodations in the past and want to continue to utilize those supports, or if you have never had any accommodations before but are interested in learning what might be available to you, please head to the SDS website and complete the Disability Self Identification form as soon as possible, ideally before you start your degree program. After completing the Self ID form, utilize Starfish and schedule an appointment with Nick Faranda (Director,) or Gaby Royzen (Assistant Director) at a time of mutual convenience. At the intake appointment, the staff will advise you on policies and procedures, and discuss available support and accommodations. While it is SDS’ recommendation that students complete the registration/accommodation process before the start of their program, students may register and seek accommodations at any point during their time at The New School. For more information, including how to self-identify, visit

If you are planning on living on campus for subsequent semesters, it is highly recommended to reach out to SDS ( to confirm your desire to continue to utilize your housing accommodations prior to the start of the Housing Selection process, which generally occurs in the Spring semester. Please understand that all accommodations continue to be based on availability, and are first-come, first serve. Notification of a desire to renew housing accommodations later in the housing process may result in not being able to secure your current housing accommodation(s).

Published 2024 by The New School

Important Notice: The information published herein represents the plans of The New School at the time of publication. The university reserves the right to change without notice any matter contained in this publication, including but not limited to tuition, fees, policies, degree programs, names of programs, course offerings, academic activities, academic requirements, facilities, faculty, and administrators. Payment of tuition for or attendance in any classes shall constitute a student’s acceptance of the administration’s rights as set forth in this notice. 

The New School
66 West 12th Street
New York, NY 10011

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