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Responsible Conduct of Research

 The Office of Research Support (ORS) provides researchers with resources to ensure that they meet the appropriate training requirements in research integrity in the conduct of research, as guided by applicable federal regulations. The New School assumes responsibility for investigating and resolving allegations of research and scholarly misconduct by its faculty, staff, and students, regardless of whether the activity is connected to internal or external funding. See the Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) webpage for more information.

Conflicts of Interest

The objectivity of research is of paramount importance and the basis for obtaining and maintaining public trust. Financial conflicts of interest (FCOI) in research may occur when outside financial interests compromise, or have the appearance of compromising, the professional judgment of a researcher when designing, conducting, or reporting research. Federal agencies have specific requirements regarding PI disclosure, and institutional review of disclosures, to determine whether a conflict of interest may exist and what conditions, actions or restrictions, if any, should be imposed to manage, reduce, or eliminate such a conflict of interest. The process of reporting FCOI in sponsored research supplements the general university policy on conflicts of interest for employees, with additional requirements for individuals involved in research.

Published 2024 by The New School

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