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Whistleblower Policy

It is the intent of The New School that its academic and administrative activities conform to applicable legal, ethical and professional standards and the University expects its trustees, faculty, administrators, staff, students and volunteers (“Members of the University community”) to conduct their activities in accordance with applicable Federal, State and local laws as well as University policies and procedures as set forth in the Employee Handbook, Student Handbook and Full-Time Faculty Handbook.

This policy is intended to encourage Members of the University community to disclose conduct that they believe violates applicable law and/or University policies and the overarching principle that the University’s resources are not to be used for personal gain (“misconduct or suspected misconduct”). The University expects that reports of misconduct or suspected misconduct will be made in good faith, and will reflect a real and legitimate concern that must be promptly investigated and addressed. The University will strive to keep disclosures confidential unless disclosure is required by applicable law or the failure to disclose would impede the University’s investigation of the reported misconduct or suspected misconduct.

This policy prohibits Members of the University community from retaliating against those who disclose misconduct or suspected misconduct pursuant to this policy. Any Member of the University community who reports a misconduct or suspected misconduct in good faith will be protected from harassment, retaliation or other adverse employment, academic or educational consequences. Anyone who harasses, intimidates or otherwise attempts to retaliate against a reporter will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment and possible referral for other civil and/or criminal sanctions.


Internal Mechanisms

Members of the University community are encouraged to report misconduct or suspected misconduct to their immediate supervisor. If this is not a feasible option, the University has designated the following persons to receive, investigate and resolve complaints of misconduct or suspected misconduct as appropriate:

A. Academic Misconduct (faculty or student)
Michael Schober, Senior Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs
66 West 12th Street, NYC, NY 10011
Phone: 212-229-5727 ext. 3110

B. Misconduct related to the University’s Personnel Practices
Sonya Williams, Vice President for Human Resources
80 Fifth Ave, NYC, NY 10011
Phone: 212-229-5600 ext. 3803

C. Fiscal Misconduct
Joshua Burgher, Chief Financial Officer
66 West 12th Street, NYC, NY 10011
Phone: 212-229-5600 ext. 3713

D. All Other Misconduct
Alex Perez, General Counsel
66 West 12th Street, NYC, NY 10011
Phone: 212-229-5671 ext. 4900


Jane DeFlorio, Chair of the Board of Trustees Audit and Risk Committee
Phone: 212-229-5432

External Mechanism

Members of the University community who wish to report their concerns anonymously, may contact EthicsPoint, a third-party provider of confidential reporting services retained by the University to accept anonymous reports. Contact them at


The designated persons will be responsible for investigating reports made to them or to EthicsPoint, unless one of the members is the subject of the report; in those cases the Chair of the Board of Trustees Audit and Risk Committee will conduct the investigation.

Corrective actions in response to a report will be made to the President and Provost for approval and implementation.

The designated persons will make annual reports to the Board of Trustees Audit and Risk Committee of all reports made and corrective actions, if any, taken.

Published 2024 by The New School

Important Notice: The information published herein represents the plans of The New School at the time of publication. The university reserves the right to change without notice any matter contained in this publication, including but not limited to tuition, fees, policies, degree programs, names of programs, course offerings, academic activities, academic requirements, facilities, faculty, and administrators. Payment of tuition for or attendance in any classes shall constitute a student’s acceptance of the administration’s rights as set forth in this notice. 

The New School
66 West 12th Street
New York, NY 10011

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