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Tuition Waiver

The New School offers a tuition waiver benefit for courses taken at the university once an employee has completed three months of continuous service. This benefit is available to faculty, staff, and eligible family members (spouse, same- or opposite-sex Qualified Domestic Partner, and children of any age). Tuition waiver benefits applies to tuition and mandatory fees. Please read our Tuition Waiver Overview for detailed information and potential tax implications.

Applying for Tuition Waiver Benefits
A Tuition Waiver Request Form must be completed by the employee and submitted to Human Resources (along with the required supporting documentation if the tuition waiver request is for a dependent—refer to the plan policy) before registering for a course. Once the request is approved by Human Resources, the individual will receive an email regarding the registration process. Otherwise, the employee will be billed by the university for the tuition and mandatory fees.

External Tuition Benefits for Full-Time Faculty
Full-time faculty may receive up to a stated maximum amount of $2,500 per academic year toward the tuition of a dependent child enrolled full-time in a college program. "College program" is defined as a BA, BFA, or other equivalent undergraduate degree. Full-time faculty may receive up to a stated maximum amount of $2,500 per academic year toward the tuition of a dependent child enrolled full-time in a primary or secondary school.

The external tuition benefit is available for tuition only, not for room and board or other expenses that students incurs as part of the cost of their education. If the dependent child attends an institution where the tuition is less than the stated maximum amount available in the benefit, the faculty member will receive only the amount paid for tuition, less any financial aid provided to the student. Reimbursement for other expenses is not part of the terms of this benefit. Please refer to the following policy for more information. This benefit is managed and administered within the Provost's Office; please contact the office directly.

Job-Related Graduate Education Certification Process
The New School provides employees who are using tuition exemption benefits with the opportunity to certify that their graduate-level education at the university is job-related in accordance with IRS tax regulation. That regulation allows the value of job-related graduate programs and courses to be eligible for federal tax exemption.

The staff member applying for the graduate education benefit and their supervisor should follow the steps outlined in the Certification Policy to request the tax exemption. Below are the forms that must be completed by the employee and their supervisor. Please email with any fringe-related questions.

Published 2024 by The New School

Important Notice: The information published herein represents the plans of The New School at the time of publication. The university reserves the right to change without notice any matter contained in this publication, including but not limited to tuition, fees, policies, degree programs, names of programs, course offerings, academic activities, academic requirements, facilities, faculty, and administrators. Payment of tuition for or attendance in any classes shall constitute a student’s acceptance of the administration’s rights as set forth in this notice. 

The New School
66 West 12th Street
New York, NY 10011

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